MASYA will debut on the Ethereum mainnet with the following tokenomics:

MASYA Token Burn Dashboard
Burned Tokens: 237,410,275,108,199 (23.74% of total supply)

This structure ensures that MASYA remains true to the decentralized ethos envisioned by Ryoshi – the mythical creator of Shiba Inu.


To reinforce the commitment to decentralization, 5% of the total supply have been allocated to the public Ethereum Name Service (ENS) addresses of Vitalik Buterin and his father, Dmitry Buterin:


  • Vitalik Buterin: 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B
  • Dmitry Buterin:0xf013E5F697E84C6831220A21a96556242Ee9AD86